
Being overweight is much more serious than just a cosmetic issue. According to government statistics, more than 30 percent of American adults are classified as obese, putting them at increased risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and some forms of cancer. Why?

Excessive body fat is unhealthy for two different reasons:

• Excessive fat produces inflammation, and inflammation plays a major role in the breakdown and degeneration of the body as we get older.

• Even worse, except in the occasional case of someone who just plain overeats, excessive body fat indicates a serious disruption of energy production. As you have probably learned by now, decreased energy production is the major cause of every degenerative disease from cancer to diabetes.

Why Dieting Will Always Fail

A recently published article in the Journal of the American Medical Association compared the various weight loss programs that are currently popular. This included the Atkin’s low carbohydrate diet, the Ornish high fiber diet, Weight Watchers, and the Pritikin low fat diet.

Not surprisingly, the authors discovered that each diet was successful in some people while being unsuccessful in other people. Additionally, not one of them showed any significant success with long term management. Why?

There are three reasons for this lack of success:

• First and foremost is the fact that obesity is not a dietary issue. It is an energy issue. A person with low energy production will gain weight simply by looking at food! Only when the metabolism of an overweight person is optimized is it possible to attain long term weight management.

• Secondly, in terms of optimizing metabolism there is no single dietary program that works for everyone.

• Lastly, there is no such thing as a single exercise program which works for everyone either. Recently, Dr. Shallenberger published a study in the Townsend Letter for Doctors entitled, “Is your patient exercising too hard to lose weight?” (Click her to review the study). Using Bio-Energy Testing

One of the reasons that Bio-Energy Testing

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Permanent weight loss is only really possible when the metabolism is successfully optimized. Anything short of that just results in repeated episodes of weight gain, dieting, weight loss, and weight gain again. Bio-Energy Testing

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