
Super Immune QuickStart

Dr. Shallenberger is licensed both as a Medical Doctor and a Homeopathic Medical Doctor, and has been practicing nutritional and preventive medicine since 1978. During that time he has analyzed the biochemical and nutritional needs of literally thousands of patients.

He discovered that there were certain nutrients and herbs, which he found all of his patients were in need of, and so he decided to put all these ingredients in their full doses in one easy to take product, which he describes in his book, Bursting With Energy. The name of this product is Super Immune QuickStart™.

Dr. Shallenberger first began to make Super Immune QuickStart™ more than 10 years ago for his own patients. The formula was created to fill a vacuum: he wanted to save his patients the money and time required to take all of the ingredients separately, and there just wasn’t anything in the marketplace that met this criteria.

The results and feedback from patients has been so gratifying that in 2000 he decided to make it commercially available to everyone. While it was never meant to be a substitution for a healthy diet, the spectrum and doses of Super Immune QuickStart™ reflect the current state of the art in medical and nutritional science.

One Stop Power Breakfast

Super Immune QuickStart™ comes as a finely blended powder that makes a delicious “one stop” high energy, detoxifying formula providing all the supplementary nutrition and immune enhancement that most people will ever need. It is designed to be used it as part of a “power breakfast” smoothie that assists the detoxifying activity of the liver, and will literally gives you a rocket launch boost off each morning.

It is important to mention that Super Immune QuickStart™ does not contain meaningless doses of many nutrients just to make the label look good. Every ingredient is tried and true, and is added in its full recommended dosage.

The reason for its many gratifying effects is because the Super Immune QuickStart™ formula works on so many basic levels. It is formulated to:

· Increase energy production
· Enhance immunity
· Alkalinize tissues
· Improve circulation
· Stabilize the appetite
· Maximize liver function and detoxification
· Provide complete nutritional and anti-oxidant protection
· Remove heavy metals
· Reduce tooth decay
· Improve mood and brain clarity
· Protect the prostate
· Increase growth hormone levels
· Prevent sinus and ear infections
· Prevent osteoporosis
· Lower homocysteine levels
· Lower cholesterol
· Balance hormones
· Stabilize blood sugar

12 Reasons To Take The Super Immune QuickStart™ Formula

Your Immune System Is Under Siege

What causes one person to catch a flu and another to avoid it? Why does one person develop an immune related disease while another living in the same environment doesn’t?

Why do some people have allergies? Why do serious outbreaks of infectious diseases leave some individuals untouched?

The answers of course lie within our immune systems. From viruses never before discovered to antibiotic resistant bacteria, our immune systems are being challenged in ways we have never seen before. These days we really need to have the most supercharged immune systems imaginable.

Through diet, adequate rest, and the special nutrients in Dr. Shallenberger’s Super Immune QuickStart™ formula you will harness your body’s ability to do the job that nature intended: combat and prevent disease.

2 Scoops of Super Immune QuickStart™ contains:
30,000 IU beta Carotene
10,000 IU Vit A
2,000 mg Vit C
400 IU Vit E (d-alpha)
1000 mg Hesperidin Bioflav Complex
120 mg Ginkgo Biloba Extract
600 mg Magnesium (citrate)
10 mg Manganese (amino acid chelate)
300 mg Potassium (citrate)
200 mcgm Selenium (selenate)
1200 mcgm Chromium (picolinate)
16 mg Zinc (picolinate)
2 mg Copper (amino acid chelate)
100 mg B1
50 mg B2
100 mg Niacin
300 mg Pantothenic Acid
100 mg B6
1000 mcgm B12
1000 mcgm Folic Acid
500 mcgm Biotin
300 mg Astragalus Extract
6 grams Spirolina Pacifica
750 mg L-Glutamine
100 mg n-Acetyl Cysteine
320 mg Saw Palmetto
5 grams psyllium husks
5 grams stabilized rice bran
5 grams soy protein isolate
5 grams whey protein (undenatured)

Hypo-Allergenic Super Immune QuickStart™

While the health benefits of soy and dairy isolates are obvious, Dr. Shallenberger also recognizes that many people are allergic to dairy and soy products. Therefore he has also developed a hypo-allergenic version of Super Immune QuickStart™ which substitutes high grade rice protein for the soy and whey protein found in the original version.

As per federal guidelines, we need to inform you that these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. If you are sick please consult a physician.

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