Dr. Shallenberger’s long awaited book, “Bursting With Energy” is the culmination of five years of research into how humans produce energy. Perhaps the single most thought-provoking feature of the book is that based upon the results of his research, Dr. Shallenberger has developed an entirely new theory of aging called the Energy Deficit Theory of Aging.

How Old Are You Really?

According to Dr. Shallenberger, no matter how many candles friends stick in your birthday cake, your functional or “biological age” is determined by how well you produce energy:
“If you’re 90 years old and you produce energy like a 40 year old, you are essentially forty years old.”

You Could Live To Be 100 Years Old!

According to Robert Klatz, MD, President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, fifty percent of all baby boomers alive and well today will celebrate their 100th birthday. The question Dr. Shallenberger asks you to consider is, “Will you be celebrating with them, and if you are ... what will the quality of your life be?”

Dr. Shallenberger points out that, “Low energy is the root cause of every disease and aging symptom … from fatigue to heart disease … from cancer to obesity. Likewise, optimizing your energy production is the key to feeling and functioning young at any age.

You don’t have low energy because you age …You age because you have low energy.

The most consistent feature of aging is that energy production declines predictably and linearly. Until now it has always been assumed that this decline was simply an inevitable result of aging. Dr. Shallenberger’s research is changing all that.

Instead of energy production declining as a result of aging, Dr. Shallenberger has proven that energy production decreases long before there are any symptoms or signs of aging, and that it is precisely this decline in energy production which causes aging. In other words, we don’t have less energy because we age, we age because we produce less energy.

Stop Aging Now!

The practical implication of this simple observation is profound, because if aging is the result of a decline in energy production, then all we need to do to stop aging is to stop the decline. Using a patented process he developed called Bio-Energy Testing®, Dr. Shallenberger has been able to measure the energy production in his patients.

More importantly, however, is the fact that he has been able to determine what is needed to improve and maximize energy production. Measuring and maximizing your body’s energy production is the secret to a long, vigorous, and youthful life. “Bursting With Energy” tells you how to do just exactly that.

In one part of the book, Dr. Shallenberger describes one of his patients who is 64 years old. Initially, Bio-Energy Testing® determined his energy output to be that of a 76 year old, but after six months of therapy, this patient had the energy output of the average 54 year old. That represents a difference of 22 years. Dr. Shallenberger believes that by making these changes, this patient has added as much as 22 quality years on to his life.

Bursting With Energy Explains:

· “I’m tired” is the number one complaint of all patients. Why low energy states are ignored by doctors, and what you can do about it.

· How you can grow old, really old, and feel young, energetic, and fully functional.

· Why obese Americans are exercising too hard to lose weight.

· Why heart disease and diabetes are 100% preventable.

· Why losing weight while you sleep is the key to achieving permanent weight control at any age.

· Why doctors continue to push synthetic hormones, when natural ones are available.

· Why you can eat all the fat you want and be healthier than you’d ever imagine.

· How carbohydrates kill millions of Americans each year by depressing their energy production.

· Important tests your doctor should order, but probably won’t.

· How you can enjoy great sex at any age.

· How sunlight deficiency causes cancer and osteoporosis.

· Why men need hormone replacement for optimal health and function.

· Why you absolutely cannot depend on our medical system to keep you healthy.

Here’s what some reviewers have had to say about “Bursting With Energy”:

"Dr. Shallenberger's book is bursting with compelling new insights into health and longevity."
~Wendy Whitworth, Executive Producer, Larry King Live.

“The focus of ‘Bursting With Energy’ isn’t just health, but health with plenty of energy””
~Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., Author of Maximize Your Vitality and Potency

“Bursting With Energy is packed with clinical insight and useful recommendations to optimize health and decrease the effects of aging. Dr. Frank Shallenberger makes specific recommendations about diet, exercise, nutritional supplementation, hormone replacement therapy, and lifestyle modifications, based on scientific research and years of clinical experience. A highlight of the book is his clear explanation of a sophisticated but simple technique to measure biological age called Bio-Energy Testing®. Also of interest are the details of Dr. Shallenberger's personal anti-aging exercise, diet and supplement program. Dr. Shallenberger is clearly a doctor who practices what he preaches.
~Ward dean, MD, Author, Biological Aging Measurement; The Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging (forthcoming). Director, Research and Development, Vitamin Research Products, Inc.

“Bursting With Energy is also bursting with practical information for the lay person and for the busy practitioner. With mathematical precision this book adds up to a true set of rules for health and healthy living. Some books you buy and never read; this one you will read and re-read for the easy flow of ideas, the proven guidelines for staying young, and the clear answers about how and why they work.”
~Richard A. Kunin, M.D., Author of Mega-Nutrition

“Well-written, and thorough, this innovative book provides very practical methods for increasing your energy production at any age.”
~Hyla Cass, M.D., Author of All About Herbs and other popular health books.

"This book provides dramatic information on stuffing yourself with oxygen, the single greatest preventer of chronic and degenerative disease".

~Robert Rowen, M.D., Editor-in-Chief, Second Opinion Medical Newsletter

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