
Undoubtedly the single most important contribution to the new explosion of anti-aging medicine has been the availability of natural or "bio-identical" hormones, and the growing research regarding their effects. The degree of success that we can see from all of the other fundamentals becomes limited as our hormones become deficient with age.

Hormones are molecular messengers that control healing, tissue regeneration, immune function, sexual function, memory and mood, strength, body composition, skin thickness, energy, digestion, and virtually every other aspect of human function.

Have you ever wondered why young people can have terrible diets, little sleep, lots of stress and other unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking and STILL do better than older people who take much better care of themselves? It's all about hormones. Youth is a time of boundless levels of hormones, and replacing those hormones as they become deficient is the key to successful aging.

Hormone Replacement is For Men And Women

Hormone replacement is not just a female thing. Men also suffer from reduced levels of thyroid hormones, growth hormone, DHEA, melatonin, and testosterone.

Reduced levels of hormones lead to diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, osteoporosis, senility, insomnia, weakness, decreased immunity, decreased sexual function, and mood disorders just to name a few. The most common cause of depression in the over fifty group is hormone deficiency.

Avoid Synthetic Hormones

Unfortunately, many physicians still prescribe synthetic hormones rather than natural, bio-identical ones. Synthetic hormones are not really hormones at all; they are drugs with hormone-like effects. These substances are NOT found in the human body. They are molecularly different from the hormones they are replacing, and they lead to side effects and unnecessary risks.

Recently, because it was so heavily covered in the news, many of you became aware of the fact that taking the synthetic hormone known as Provera

Likewise, the synthetic version of testosterone, methyltestosterone, has been found to cause liver cancer.

So when your physician is replacing your deficient hormones, make sure that only natural, bio-identical hormones are being used. You can learn more about this in my book, Bursting With Energy, and also in Suzanne Sommer’s new book, The Sexy Years.

The Three Golden Rules Of Natural Hormone Replacement

Golden Rule #1: Use only natural, bio-identical hormones. The estrogens, testosterone, thyroid, and growth hormone are only available from special pharmacies known as compounding pharmacies. They can only be obtained through a doctor’s prescription. Progesterone, DHEA, and melatonin can be found at the health food store

Golden Rule #2: Since any given hormone can enhance the action of one hormone while suppressing another, too much or too little of one hormone can create an imbalance on other hormones. Conventional replacement strategy fails to recognize these relationships.

Be surer that your physician is adequately trained in the clinical art of natural hormone replacement, and that he uses comprehensive laboratory assessments to diagnose and replace each and every hormonal deficiency present. When three hormones are deficient, it is not a good idea to only replace one or two.

Golden Rule #3: Unfortunately, the conventional approach to hormone replacement tends to embrace a "one size fits all" mentality. Individual hormone deficiencies vary greatly. The correct dosage for one patient may be very different for another. For example, I have many women over the age of sixty who are still not deficient in the estrogens even though they have gone through the change.

All doses must be individualized, and in order to do this proper repeat hormonal testing and clinical follow up visits are necessary. The correct amount of a hormone is the least amount required to establish youthful clinical results. In this regard, the best single test is Bio-Energy Testing


The most frequently asked question by my patients regarding natural replacement of deficient hormones is this obvious one: Is it safe?

I believe that natural hormone replacement is the safest of ALL medical treatments. Moreover, I tell my patients that the most significant danger regarding hormonal replacement is NOT replacing their depleted hormones.

Many large studies have shown that failure to adequately replace hormones results in increased incidences of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, strokes, arthritis, and senility, as well as decreased longevity and decreased quality of life.

The only danger at all that comes from hormonal replacement occurs when the above Three Golden Rules are not followed, and the most common cause is the use of synthetic hormones.

WEIGHT CONTROL - According to government statistics, more than 60 percent of American adults are overweight. One-quarter are classified as obese, putting them at increased risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and some forms of cancer.

DISEASE - Think of your fortieth birthday as a good point in life to see a preventative doctor for baseline studies. Give yourself a birthday present in the form of a baseline evaluation. This evaluation should include Bio-Energy Testing™ and the other important tests mentioned throughout my book, "Bursting With Energy". The results of these studies on your health status at forty can be used as a base against which to compare your physiologic functions in later years as you age and embark on an anti-aging program.

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