Today is

"When you visit the pohaku memorial you're not alone," someone wrote. Whether you come to seek knowledge, meditate, or just "visit aunty," the memorial provides a physical connection to Waikoloa's past and present. "When I visit Aunty's memorial it reminds me I'm here because she was here."
There are many heroes around us and we must take the time to acknowledge their contribution to our lives and the lives of others… we must give them a voice so we on a human level can not only be thankful to have kown them but also use the opportunity to teach our children, friends and neighbors the importance of giving selflessly to our communities.
Friends, residents, and the Ohana of Aunty Mabel "Meipala" Ishii will be celebrating the 21st Anniversary of the First Lady Of Waikoloa on September 6th and the remainder of September. Everyone is invited to place lei on the pohaku memorial during the month of September in Aunty's memory, and to honor her contributions to a community she loved.
As the Association's Office Administrator, Aunty worked for the Waikoloa Village Association for many years and was hired right after the Management of the Association had been transferred to the Board of Directors. There were nine members on the Board, and Aunty took on the responsibility of being a "one gal office" who handled all the calls and inquiries from residents, businesses, visitors, and others. Aunty died at the age of 66 on September 6, 2003 in a tragic auto accident on the Hamakua Coast.
The Community and public are invited to present lei at the pohaku memorial located on the corner of Meipala Place and Kilakila Street in the Village (68-1674 Meipala Pl, Waikoloa, HI 96738). Updates will be posted here through the month of September.

5/17/2024 - After 21 Years Her Memory Lives
From time to time we are fortunate to receive comments about Aunty Mabel from those who knew of her or knew her personally. Such a comment arrived recently in our email inbox in mid-May 2024. Here is an excerpt of the comments:
"Aunty Mabel was a dear friend to me in the early 2000's when I located permanently to our small Village. I was in her wee office space so frequently. She was a living encyclopedia on the history of the Village, in addition to knowing where to look to find any information needed! Now we have that tribute to her in Sunset Ridge!"

10/31/2020 - Reflections From The Waikoloa Breeze 2018 Newsletter
We have made available an excerpt from the Waikoloa Breeze Newsletter that was published in October 2018 about Aunty Mabel.

Comments About Memorial
A resident recently wrote: "I was down at the bottom of Sunset Ridge and found the rock on the corner in memory of Auntie Mabel! ...I pulled over to read the plaque. Moving and caring!"
The October issue of the Waikoloa Breeze newsletter has an article on the dedication of Aunty Mabel.


8/19/2018 - Family, friends, and residents of Waikoloa Village came together to honor Aunty Mabel Ishii on August 19. She was a legendary figure in the early days of the Waikoloa Village Association's development and evolution.
Special guest speaker, Valerie T. Poindexter, Council Member Chairwoman and Presiding Officer of the 2016-2018 Hawai'i County Council, shared poignant comments and touching recollections of Aunty Mabel's character and legacy, as some held back tears. Poindexter went on to say how--up to Aunty's death--she instilled the values of aloha and service to the community to all of her children and grand children.
Hawai'i County Council Member Tim Richards issued a Hawai`i County Letter of Recognition that stated "Aunty Mabel was the center of the community... She was the epitome of Aloha!"
On behalf of the Hawai`i's Twenty-Ninth Legislature, Hawaii State Senator Lorraine Inouye pointed to Aunty Mabel's "strong commitment to community" and "whose work has improved our quality of life." The Senator referred to Aunty's spirit of aloha as "legendary."
Kate "Kealani" Winter gave the pule. 
"O ke aloha ke kuleana o ahi malihini. (Aloha is the host in strange lands.)
Sometimes places choose people, but Aunty Mabel, or Meipala, chose this place because she wanted to see the other side of our island.
Once here, she embodied what was good and best in the place and its people.
With her heart, hands and hugs, Aunty Mabel created a nest of belonging for every malihini she encountered.
The closest any of us can come to forever is neither bone nor stone: it is Aloha that is everlasting.
Aunty Mabel lived this truth.
Her spirit animates the wide-embracing clouds of this wahi pana, her spirit uses the breath of wind and spreads the mana among all who dwell here, makani carries her message of acceptance, inclusion and welcome.
Now let us offer thanksgiving...
For Likeke and Roger, brothers who share Meipala's loving ways, to her children and all her extended ohana, and Roger Hansen who recognized her spirit.
We give our aloha.
For the gifts of Kim and Scott who offered this place as wahi pana,
We give our aloha.
We commit ourselves to mindful use of creation and community,
We give our aloha.
We bless this memorial place, this wahi pana.
We give our aloha.
May all who pass it know her mana and be inspired to recognize kindredspirits in those we newly meet,
We offer our aloha.
O ke aloha ke kuleana o ahi malihini. (Aloha is the host in strange lands.)
Special thanks to all who attended, helped organize, and participated in honoring the First Lady of Waikoloa, Aunty Mabel Ishii. More information and stories about Aunty Mabel may be found here.
YOU CAN CONTACT US for more information, by using the on-line form below as well as contacting us by e-mail. Or by calling 808.327.9792 Likeke "Ric" Bumanglag.