

Hello! My name is Fletcher, I am 4 yrs old. I was only diagnosed on the 14.12.2011. I came out in a rash on my face about 5 months ago. Then it came out on my knees, elbows and hands. Mum was using cream after cream and we saw lots of doctors but nothing worked. I was having trouble putting my shoes on and getting off the lounge and running out of puff very quickly. While we waited for a dermatologist and peaditricians appt, my dad looked on the internet and found this site! suddenly everything made sense and mum took me for a blood test straight away! The doc thought she was crazy lol. But sure enough two days later we got a call and a diagnosis! Classic symptoms they said. So we got to see the pead,who admitted me to hospital. We traveled a long way to Sydney childrens Hospital and after more tests they gave me lots of medicines and when i woke up the next morning I told my dad that ‘The faires came last night and cleaned my dirty bones! now I feel strong again! not like an old person.‘

We are home now and my rashes are starting to fade.

I am starting Big School in a few weeks and cant wait! I love playing the drums and playing with my little bro Harvey. I have a kitten called Sookie, a dog Toby, a bird Henry and two chooks Clarabelle and Rocky. We live in Australia on the NSW south coast and I walk to the beach and go fishing with my Grandad.